Shop My Closet eBay + Instagram Sale!

In an effort to continue my minimalism project, I've cleaned out just a fraction of my closet, mostly dresses, for sale. I considered donating them to Goodwill or selling them at a place like The Attic, and I probably will do that in a few weeks. First, though, I thought I'd give it a go on eBay and Instagram. The eBay auctions began today and will last until Sunday. All bids started at $5.00. The prices on the Instagram sale are similar to "Buy It Now" prices and are all set at the amount I would like to get for each item, including shipping. Once an item is sold on either platform, it will be removed from the other. All items are in great condition, some never-worn and some worn a handful of times. Feel free to follow awildtoniccloset on Instagram for more updates. If you have any questions, feel free to send them through either platform, leave them here in the comments, or email me at

eBay | Instagram
Shop My Closet eBay + Instagram Sale!
Shop My Closet eBay + Instagram Sale!
More to come...


  1. The prices on the Instagram sale instagram likes are similar to "Buy It Now" prices and are all set at the amount I would like to get for each item,


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