WEARING • Cat Eye and Animal Print.

Hey friends! Things have been pretty quiet here lately, huh? Since getting back from the UK (about a month now?), my life has been in disarray. I've had trouble figuring out a daily/weekly work schedule, my great aunt passed away, I started working part-time for a friend a few days a week, the cats have been psychos, and sales have been slow (which is discouraging). Often I find myself waking up at five in the morning, ready are raring to go. Then suddenly it's 4:30 and I'm asking myself, "Where did the day go?" I've also (finally) been looking for an apartment and (unfortunately) looking for a day-job. At this point, I know I can't afford to live on Etsy alone, which sucks but things could be worse. In the past, I've found that I work better on my vintage/prints/blog when I'm working outside of my house as well. Something about the structure of my day and planning out when I do what just worked better for me. So we'll see how these next few months go. In the mean time, I'll be listing things on Etsy and eBay like crazy. Time to simplify and minimize! I know; I sound like a broken record.
These photos were actually taken a few weeks ago (see above re: things are in disarray). My sister and I went to Asbury Park to see Andrew McMahon of Something Corporate fame. Please tell me at least one of you remembers Something Corporate? Please?
Anyway, have you guys heard of Firmoo? I have a couple of pairs of glasses from them, but only wore them on the blog once. They reached out to me recently about sending me a pair to review, so after much deliberation I decided on this pair: #Rena5865 in Green. I knew I wanted those frames, but they had five color options and I was so torn! I conducted a scientific poll on Instagram, and decided that green was the right choice. I love the shape of these frames, like an exaggerated cat eye, I guess you'd call it? The frames are super light, too. I never realized how heavy my other pair was! And not to be a braggart, but I've gotten so many compliments on this pair of glasses, I can't even keep count.
Important to note: Firmoo is constantly running promotions and giveaways. For example, you can get your first pair free! And make sure you follow them on Twitter and Facebook for more.
glasses: #Rena5865 c/o Firmoo
dress: borrowed from A Wild Tonic Vintage
wedges: Urban Outfitters
bag: Madewell Camden Satchel (no longer available online)
Yes to anything green! Yet another pair of glasses that makes me wish I needed them. This dress looks amazing on you- 2 thumbs up to that print. Good luck with the job and apartment hunting! I think the math equation is something like for every day you're on vacation you need 2 to recover.