turning violet + music monday: Jimi Hendrix - "Purple Haze"
It's music monday! Again? Are the weeks just flying by, or is it just me? While prepping this outfit post, I couldn't help but hum "Purple Haze" by Jimi Hendrix, so here it is. Feel free to enjoy it while checking out today's outfit post. :)

Friday was a busy day. I had to do lots of shop work, baby sit, and prep for my friend's wedding on Saturday. I needed an outfit that was comfortable, but still nice enough to wear in public. It's hard to find that balance sometimes. I managed to get through most of my errands, though--as usual--I was running around like a maniac on Saturday morning trying to get all the last-minute tasks done. The wedding was beautiful and so very fun! I'll definitely be posting pictures soon. Also, can we discuss how high the plants have grown in the last few weeks? Compare it to this outfit post. Incredible! Also, check out those flowers!
A while ago, I won this amazing purse and fashion book from Furor Moda via a giveaway over at Previously Owned. I had my fingers crossed so hard to win this one, and when Fi (of Previously Owned) told me that I did, I was floored. This bag is amazing. As soon as I got it in the mail, I wore it everywhere..regardless of location or if it matched my outfit. For example, I wore it to Staples wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and Ugg moccasins. Not completely appropriate, but I didn't care. I still love the bag so much, but I only wear it when the time is right. ;)
Blouse-here in the shop. Earrings-here in the shop. Jeans-Gap. Shoes-Simply Vera. Purse and book-giveaway swag from Furor Moda.
Friday was a busy day. I had to do lots of shop work, baby sit, and prep for my friend's wedding on Saturday. I needed an outfit that was comfortable, but still nice enough to wear in public. It's hard to find that balance sometimes. I managed to get through most of my errands, though--as usual--I was running around like a maniac on Saturday morning trying to get all the last-minute tasks done. The wedding was beautiful and so very fun! I'll definitely be posting pictures soon. Also, can we discuss how high the plants have grown in the last few weeks? Compare it to this outfit post. Incredible! Also, check out those flowers!
A while ago, I won this amazing purse and fashion book from Furor Moda via a giveaway over at Previously Owned. I had my fingers crossed so hard to win this one, and when Fi (of Previously Owned) told me that I did, I was floored. This bag is amazing. As soon as I got it in the mail, I wore it everywhere..regardless of location or if it matched my outfit. For example, I wore it to Staples wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and Ugg moccasins. Not completely appropriate, but I didn't care. I still love the bag so much, but I only wear it when the time is right. ;)
Blouse-here in the shop. Earrings-here in the shop. Jeans-Gap. Shoes-Simply Vera. Purse and book-giveaway swag from Furor Moda.
Love this! Specially the closeup on the book! :) I hope you enjoy that bag TONS! (OH, and I love that song!)