Updates + Christmas in July Sale Reminder!

Hello, my friends! Today's post is going to be short and sweet, since Flickr is undergoing maintenance til 1AM. Oops! This week as been full of vintage shop work. I have so much inventory still to add to the shop, it's not even funny. I've been steaming and shooting vintage clothing all day today. My goal is to have the shop fully stocked by mid-August, when I return from Texas. I'll be in Austin for TxSC til the 5th, but I'll be back to work as soon as I get back. Are any of you guys going to TxSC, by the way? I'm SO excited. Last year was so fun and inspiring, and I have a feeling this year will be even better.
I'll leave you tonight with a quick reminder about the Christmas in July sale • All vintage is 25% off + use code "CIJFREE" for FREE worldwide shipping on all orders! Crazy, huh? The sale ends on August 1st, so get to it! ;)
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