FOUND • Deer Skull.

FOUND • Deer Skull.
FOUND • Deer Skull.
FOUND • Deer Skull.
FOUND • Deer Skull.
FOUND • Deer Skull.

While mowing the lawn on Saturday morning, I couldn't help but notice my dog (Freckles) was barking like crazy. Usually he barks at our neighbor's dog, so I figured that was it. Once it got too annoying to ignore, I shut the mower and walked over to him. What was he barking at? Oh, just this DEER SKULL!? Now, to some of you this might not be a big deal. I live in the middle of a suburban neighborhood and my yard is completely fenced in. I freaked out two summers ago when we had a frog in our yard (because seriously how did he get here?), and now a skull? We assume some giant bird must have been carting it around and dropped it or maybe it's a serial killer leaving weird clues. Who knows? All I know is this skull is cool. It's still in the yard though, because I'm afraid of germs. :|


  1. Bleach it and bring it inside! I live in the burbs too and I get really excited when I see raccoons.
    xx Abby | a geek tragedy

    1. I can do that?! Time to Google. Thanks for the tip. :)


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